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Secret RF Microneedling combines the latest in skin rejuvenation technology, targeting fine lines, scars, and improving skin texture. Through precise RF energy, it promotes natural collagen production, offering a smoother, firmer, and more radiant complexion.

Transform Your Skin in Just One Session:
See How RF Microneedling Works!

Explore the transformative benefits of RF Microneedling treatments:

✔️ Reduces Fine Lines and Wrinkles: Promotes smoother, youthful skin
✔️ Tightens and Firms Skin: Enhances elasticity for a firmer complexion.
✔️ Minimizes Scars and Pore Size: Significantly reduces acne scars and pores.
✔️ Improves Skin Texture: Achieves a smoother, more refined skin surface.
✔️ Safe for All Skin Types: Effective and safe across diverse skin tones and types.
✔️ Customizable Treatments: Tailored to address individual skin concerns effectively.

Book A Free Consultation!

Do you want to see clients Results?

Satisfied clients who have transformed their skin with Secret RF Microneedling. Their stories highlight the effectiveness and life-changing impact of the treatment.

Skin Texture.

Remarkable scar diminishment and pore size reduction, revealing clearer, more refined and healthier skin

Skin Pigmentation.

Enhanced overall skin tone and radiance, demonstrating the power of stimulated collagen production for lasting beauty

Severe acne scars.

RF Microneedling treatment it is considered as an safe and effective modality of treatment for moderate to severe acne scars in patients with an added advantage of minimal downtime and great improvement

Wrinkles and Fine Lines.

Enhanced overall skin tone and radiance, demonstrating the power of stimulated collagen production for lasting beauty

How Can i Book an Appointment?


  • Secret RF is a novel approach to deliver fractional radio frequency (RF) energy to all layers of the skin with minimal damage to the skin’s surface. The multi-layered treatment is tailored to each individual and addresses their unique skin concern during each customized treatment.

  • The Secret RF treatment is ideal for improving aging skin, photodamage, fine lines and wrinkles on the face and neck, scars, acnes scars, skin quality and striae. The treatment is safe and effective, and suitable for all skin types and patients seeking skin revitalization.

  • Secret RF uses microneedles to deliver radio frequency energy into varying levels of the skin including the deeper layers where treatment is most beneficial. Unlike other devices which only deposit energy into the upper layer of the skin, Secret RF delivers RF energy below the surface where it’s needed most to help revitalize and regenerate the tissue. This unique delivery of energy allows us to achieve optimal results with little to no downtime on all skin types.

  • Secret RF is an easy, safe and effective procedure that can be performed in a quick, 15-minute treatment session. During the treatment, you will feel a slight heating and some pressure on the treatment area. For most patients, the treatment is tolerable but your physician will work with you to maximize your comfort level. Prior to the procedure, your provider will apply a numbing cream to the treatment area to increase comfort during the treatment.

  • The microneedling device contains ultrafine, very sharp, sterile needles that puncture the skin which causes only minimal damage to the skin. The microneedles do not cause permanent damage to the skin.

  • Patients typically need 3-4 treatments spaced 4-6 weeks apart, to achieve optimal results. Most patients report seeing improvement after the second treatment however results are optimized 3 months after the last treatment.

  • Results vary based on the individual. To maintain results, maintenance treatments are recommended every 12-18 months.

  • After the treatment, an ointment will be applied to the skin and you will be asked to refrain from wearing make up for several hours. Any minor redness or swelling resulting from treatment will subside within 12-24 hours. After the treatment, you can expect to return to normal activities.

  • During the first two days following treatment, care should be taken to prevent trauma to the treated site: avoid hot baths, massage, irritating skin care products or exfoliants, etc. The skin should be kept clean to avoid contamination or infection; any mechanical or thermal damage to the area must be avoided.

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